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Bughunter CR01 Tiny Bug Detector
Multiple Detection modes 10MHz 3500MHz

Credit Card Sized TSCM Bug Detector with Dynamic range of 70db, Ultra-Portable, 3 Detection Modes.

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Product Code: PBN-CR01

CR01 Helps users detect all types pf transmissions including GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,

DECT, VHF, UHF and any other radio-emitting equipment.

Detection of Signals within the 10-3500 MHz range.

Wide Dynamic range of 70db

Tiny Portable Size, same size as a credit card.

Three Modes, Analog, Digital detection & Security Mode.

Can be used to detect Spyware on Cell Phones.

Simple design with intuitive user interface.

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Bughunter CR01 Portable Signal Detector

Wide Dynamic Range of 70db

3 Modes of Detection, Security, Analog & Digital detection.

Credit Card Sized device.

Ideal for securing meetings, signal detection alarm monitoring.

Signal Detection between 10-3500 MHz

Sophisticated multi use TSCM tool.

Ideal for users who need to perform quick sweeps.

Detects Spy phone Software on phones.

Security Mode for Monitoring Live Signals.

Extra Information:

Brand: BugHunter

Power Supply: 3.7v Watch Battery

Dimensions: 2.65″ x 1.85″ x 0.30″

Manufactured in: Europe

PBNCR01 bug detector features an extremely thin housing only 5 mm thick, a lightweight portable solution fractionally bigger than a credit card.

This miniature detector has super high sensitivity, capable of locating a wide variety of radio transmitters very quickly.

The CR01 whilst small and easy to use, has a range of advanced functions which makes it useful in many situations where signals intelligence is needed.

  • Detection of Signals within the 10-3800 MHz range.
  • Wide Dynamic range of 70db
  • Detects all types of transmissions including WIFI, Bluetooth, GSM, GPS
  • 3 Modes of Operation – Analog, Digital & Guard
  • Detect Phone signals upto 50 metres away.

Ideal for use in Security Environments

Used by many Security personnel to ensure meetings where digital devices are not permitted, by activating Security mode in a sterile environment, any digital device which is turned on and enters the sterile environment will be instantly detected and the CR01 will alert the user of the threat detected.

Charge device using the supplied power cable, prior to use.

  • RF signal detector PBN-CR-01
  • 110/220V adapter
  • USB cable
  • English manual

Manual: Download PDF

CR01 has 3 operation modes: Analog, Digital & Guard Modes.

Analog Signal Search

Digital Signal Search

Guard Mode

Guard mode otherwise known as Protection Mode is ideal for monitoring areas where digital devices should not be used or brought into the location.

Scenarios where meetings are held under strict conditions such as digital devices are not permitted to be inside the meeting room.

The Guard Mode function can be used in such a scenario and if a user brought a digital device inside the room which has a radio frequency, the CR01 would alert the user of the unauthorized detection.

Short Product Overview of PBN-CR01

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