Illicit Image Scanner for Windows OS
Scan computers for Porn & Video content quickly and easily on any windows OS & compatible drives.
Securely delete discovered images and video so they cannot be recovered.
- Auto finds Illicit Content
- Discovers Photos & Videos
- Permanently Delete Files
- No Software to Install
- Unlimited Use
Product Code: PBN-PDS
- Tags: Digital Auditing, Illicit Images, IT Security, Photos, Porn Detection, Pornography, USB, Videos
The Porn Detection Scanner performs unlimited scans on any compatible Windows OS and drives.
Scan for Pornographic content on PC and Recover deleted Pornographic images and videos.
Scans any device that mounts to a Windows OS, USB drives, Cameras, SD Cards.
Securely delete found images and video so they can’t be recovered again.
Blurred picture viewer keeps you from seeing unwanted pornography.
Identify images and videos even if the file types have been changed to mask the content.
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Using the tool requires no installation process, the software runs from the USB drive.
Just plug in and press start and the illicit image scanner will perform searches and produce you a report folder showing all images and videos.
The content report can be adjusted for sensitivity, higher sensitivity adjustment will ensure the scanning system reports the most suspicious content.
The report folder will allow you to delete offending images from the system. It will also show the original path of the images, even if they were recovered from deleted data.
A text report also shows the results of the scan including the file name, path, and creation date. This is particularly useful for people searching a lot of computers. IT maintenance professionals can keep track of scanned computers and easily keep track of each computer and the scan results.
Built using a forensically sound manner, the data collection and reporting methods are based on Law Enforcement needs.
This processing format ensures content reports are very easy to identify and keep track of.
Where does the Illicit Image Software scan for Pornography on my Computer?
The illicit Image Software scans every single image in the most common image formats (JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, TGA, BMP, WBMP, and PCX) as well as videos in ASF, AVI, DV video, Flash (SWF), Flash 9 (AVM2), FLI/FLC/FLX animation, Flash Video (FLV), Matroska, MOV/QuickTime/MP4, MPEG-1 System, MPEG-PS (program stream), MPEG-TS (transport stream), MPEG-4, Ogg, raw H.264, raw MPEG, raw MPEG-1, raw MPEG-2, raw MPEG-4, RealMedia, WebM formats.
The illicit image scanner is designed to look almost everywhere.
It scans deleted files, internet history databases and files, and even in zip files.
It scans files based on their file header making it harder to hide pornography – scanning file headers means even if the file type was changed to hide the real content, the PDS will still find Pornographic content even if a user has attempted to hide the file type.
- The Illicit Image Scanner performs unlimited scans on any compatible Windows OS and drives.
- Scan for Pornographic content on PC and Recover deleted Pornographic images and videos.
- Scans any device that mounts to a Windows OS, USB drives, Cameras, SD Cards.
- Securely delete found images and video so they can’t be recovered again.
- Blurred picture viewer keeps you from seeing unwanted pornography.
- Identify images and videos even if the file types have been changed to mask the content.
Extra Information:
Brand: Paraben Consumer
Width: 2.50 (in)
Height: 0.75 (in)
Depth: 0.50 (in)
Weight: 200g
Auto finds Illicit Content
Discovers Photos & Videos
Permanently Delete Files
No Software to Install
Unlimited Use
The Porn Detection Scanner performs unlimited scans on any compatible Windows OS and drives.
Scan for Pornographic content on PC and Recover deleted Pornographic images and videos.
Scans any device that mounts to a Windows OS, USB drives, Cameras, SD Cards.
Securely delete found images and video so they can’t be recovered again.
Blurred picture viewer keeps you from seeing unwanted pornography.
Identify images and videos even if the file types have been changed to mask the content.
The Illicit Image Scanner performs unlimited scans on any compatible Windows OS and drives.
Scan for Pornographic content on PC and Recover deleted Pornographic images and videos.
Scans any device that mounts to a Windows OS, USB drives, Cameras, SD Cards.
Securely delete found images and video so they can’t be recovered again.
Blurred picture viewer keeps you from seeing unwanted pornography.
Identify images and videos even if the file types have been changed to mask the content.
System Compatibility: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10
1.33 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM, 200 MB Hard Drive Space
- Porn Detection Stick for Windows USB/Software
- PDF User Manual (Digital) Inside USB drive
- Hard Case Storage Box
Can I use the software on as many computers as I need?
Yes. The Porn Detection Stick has unlimited uses. You can scan on as computers and storage devices as often as you like.
How long does the subscription last?
You will receive a lifetime of updates for the Porn Detection Stick. The USB hardware has a one-year warranty.